The Internet has lately been demonized in a certain community for being the death
knell of their pastime. For this reason, I propose this gift to these technical pioneers
-- a TLD of their very own:
This would be a restricted domain, usable
only by licensed amateur radio operators, with their call signs as the 2LD name,
e.g, my amateur callsign is KC7ZDS, therefore, my domain would be kc7zds.ham. Note
that the callsign namespace is global in scope, as each country has its own set of
leading characters from which to issue callsigns. (See? We can even thank these guys
for the prototype for the ccTLDs!)
This would inconvenience nobody (except perhaps
a certain company that might covet the 2LD "honey-baked"), and I'm sure that the
Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) and its sister organizations in other countries
would be more than happy to administer the domain.