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Username: JB
Date/Time: Fri, June 16, 2000 at 1:34 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V4.5 using Macintosh
Score: 5
Subject: Will new TLDs make things better?


        I am a user of the internet, not a commercial expert. At this
moment I
just have to remember a domain name when I am using the web. Most of
the time you just know the extension that goes with it, .com. Will
things get more practical with new TLDs, like .biz or .shop or
.fun or .info?
I don't think so. It will only become more confusing and that can't be
the purpose. I certainly would NOT like more TLDs.
And what for the trademark problem? I never understood why a domain
name and a trademark have to go hand in hand. A domain name is a web
address and not a trademark.
Adding more TLDs will only create more unused domain names, because
namesquatters will buy them as they did buy .com names.
Besides, what should large companies do? Buy all TLD-versions
available, to protect their name? If that happens it is clear to me
the new TLDs are only setup to bring in more money from people
registering them, the registrars. Who needs this deja vu gold rush?
Only the registrars will benefit. They are the only ones.
Keep the numbers of TLDs as low a


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