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Username: jqpublic
Date/Time: Mon, June 19, 2000 at 5:57 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows NT
Score: 5
Subject: adding more TLDs is a bad idea


        It's confusing enough for internet users with there being the multiple of TLDs we already have. That's why the internet community is standardizing on .COM. It makes it simple, sensible. Each domain name is unique before the .COM. Humans remember unique phrases, and a DOT in the middle is not natural. Eg. Airline.Travel would often be confused with There are billions of unique names in the .COM space still unused. All it takes is choosing three words, instead of just one or two. Encouraging uniqueness will also prevent a deluge of trademark contention and public confusion over having the same SLD registered with multiple TLDs pointing to different sites.       


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