Do you see that these discussions
are simply personal views? It is up to you to get on with the show & introduce
those new TLDs that your groups have been working on...first as IANA then as ICANN
since 1994.It is your responsibility to make the announcements. Why not
just go ahead and do it? The Proposed time table for 'The Announcement' is
Unacceptable. November is much to long a time. Too much time has passed
already. Make 'The Decisions' at the July 2000 meeting in Japan. Put
those Decisions into Operation No later than July 31, 2000.
You already
have Registries ready to handle the new TLDs. I can name several. Anyone
who has kept abreast of Internet developments can name them. Those you are
asking for Opinions from here on these Forums Know the Formats. You know the
Formats. Just make the Announcement and put them into Operation.
Your Indecision
has gone on long enough. Do the job you are Assigned to and Put the new TLDs
into Motion Immediately.
The World is watching.