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Username: Garry Anderson
Date/Time: Mon, June 19, 2000 at 10:27 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Thank you very much


Please believe me - I NO WAY wish to tar you with the same brush as those screwing small business and domain owners. I respect ALL attorneys learning and intelligence - it is just many put theirs to bad use. I know that a lot are honourable people.

Talking about your profession, I have been in touch with Mr DeGidio ( case). He was quite complimentary about my site (sound of blowing own trumpet)

I sent fax to Mr Dickinson USPTO today, asking him some awkward questions. The basis to these questions is this - if there is solution available are ICANN not acting unlawfully by not using? is nothing to do with


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