Q36: Should the formulation of policies for limited-purpose
TLDs be delegated to sponsoring organizations? In all cases or only in some?
should set the guidelines to judge applications. The applications should show compliance
with the six WG C principles.Q37: What measures should be employed to encourage
or require that a sponsoring organization is appropriately representative of the
TLD's intended stakeholders?
None. Follow the guidelines and WG C principles.
Then the registry becomes a seller to his intended stakeholders.
Q38: In cases
where sponsoring organizations are appointed, what measures should be established
to ensure that the interests of the global Internet community are served in the operation
of the TLD?
Conformity to the six WG C principles.
Q39: How should global policy
requirements (adherence to a TLD's charter, requirements of representativeness, interoperability
requirements, etc.) be enforced?
Ultimate sanction avaliable to ICANN to annul
the Registry or trasnfer it to another Registrar.