I have registered .web names and I have registered .com,
.net, .org, .as, .to, .ch, .li domain names.
I did so, because I wanted to secure
projects of mine and because I did not want to wait and - at a later stage - have
to pay more for the names I knew I would need one day.In the last discussion on
.web I told everybody that I was currently preparing a project on Art. Of course:
art.com was already sold.
Well, I should have abandonned my project, shouldn't
Instead I took my time and worked hard (knowing 7 languages) for about 8 hours
in order to find 100 available .com names. I found them and it was hard to figure
out the best. Therefore I registered several ones, to be sure to include the one
I would finally use.
I am sure I could have found another 100 good .com names
... and 10'000 .web names still available.
And I think it is unfair from people
to complain the lack of domain names and other people's registrations, if they are
just too lazy to spend their time or brain on searching.
If they want to take
away those names from me, they act like thieves, who ignore the work it took. No
one should allow this to happen. Therefore all registered names, also .web ones should
stay with those who cared about and registered them.
To help those people who lack
fantasy and need a good .com name for an art project, I add the list of the 100 .com
names I found. Sorry, but some have been registered by myself already. Please don't
blame me for doing so and register the ones which are still available. I hope you
appreciate this help - it is free of charge!
My list of .com names concerning art:
actart.com artinparts.com arttale.com
amongart.com artinput.com arttarget.com
approachart.com artinshare.com arttent.com
artaccept.com artinshares.com arttrim.com
artadapt.com artmatter.com arttug.com
artadmit.com artmeans.com artunits.com
artado.com artmeasure.com artvary.com
artadopt.com artmelt.com artvim.com
artadvance.com artmerit.com artwages.cpm
artapproach.com artmete.com artwary.com
artassemble.com artmuley.com artyear.com
artbent.com artmulti.com brightart.com
artbonds.com artnotion.com cashart.com
artbudget.com artobelisk.com casharts.com
artbundle.com artolymp.com catchart.com
artchance.com artolympus.com chiefart.com
artcompound.com artopt.com closetoart.com
artconcern.com artpact.com collectparts.com
artconcur.com artpatent.com combineart.com
artconduct.com artpause.com commitart.com
artconfirm.com artpay.com courtlyart.com
artcontract.com artped.com curbart.com
artcredit.com artpep.com deftart.com
artcrown.com artplage.com divertart.com
artcurb.com artplot.com divideart.com
artcurrency.com artpluck.com dwellart.com
artcustomer.com artpossess.com financeart.com
artdeft.com artpurge.com holdart.com
artdin.com artqueue.com keenonart.com
artdivert.com artrange.com masterlyart.com
artdole.com artrank.com mildart.com
artdwell.com artrefresh.com placeart.com
artearn.com artreply.com plainart.com
artearning.com artrest.com qualiart.com
artearnings.com artreturn.com rangeart.com
artelement.com artrival.com raptart.com
artexpand.com artrule.com safeshart.com
artexpect.com artscatter.com seeingart.com
artexult.com artsecond.com significantart.com
artfavour.com artseeing.com spreadart.com
artfilter.com artsegment.com sublimeart.com
artfits.com artsegments.com tugart.com
artflirt.com artslice.com turnart.com
artflood.com artslices.com uniteart.com
artgrain.com artsow.com useart.com
artheed.com artsplit.com variedart.com
artial.com artsplitting.com varyart.com
artincome.com artstandard.com waryart.com
artinflate.com artstir.com weneedart.com
artinpart.com artsuggest.com worthyart.com
think that registered .web names must stay registered and that it makes sense to
finally activate the .web gtld - it is the longest non-activated gtld existing!