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Username: leoyun
Date/Time: Fri, June 30, 2000 at 12:44 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V4.01 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: About a new TLDs....


        If we were Implying the 21C's internet business,
There are three types of biz.
   The first, EC(Electronics Commnerce)
   The second, Contents Biz.
   The last KP(Knowledge Provider) Biz.
KP biz. has an limitless source and it can be continuously grown up.
So, it is possible suppose the lifetime of KP biz. is very long.
Additionally, surroundings are to be good conditions which are boundless, the race transcendence. 
These conditions make long run KP biz.'s lifetime in the internet(cyber world).
The point of this time, KP biz. is the best make a conspicuous among many types of internet biz.     
The means of limitless is possessing source for a success in the internet biz. 
So, it's natural the new creation of ".KP" TLD.
It means is all KP biz.


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