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Username: Voice Of Reason
Date/Time: Fri, June 30, 2000 at 2:52 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: ICANN &, A Note to Christopher


That would be great and you make excellent points; however, most of us might feel that ICANN already should know the parameters for Registries, etc. This would be a Common thought process, I would think.

See, in my mind's eye, Registries would have guidelines. These "guidelines" should already be in effect.  This makes that part not necessary to discuss.

ICANN & Whoever else this applies to:
This is a VERY SIMPLE issue.  You either add new TLDs or not.  Comeon, this has been discussed for years now.  That is a very simple situation.  Do or don't.  To Christopher's first part:  My view is to add the TLDs.
If you do, then decide on what the TLDs are, and, to give my input to Christopher's second part:  How?  The same as being done now.  Reason:  .com format is working well.  There are problems with any format and will be.  You can add .whatevertld, add them to the A Root.  This is really not a complicated process.

The answer to the Trade Mark issue:  .reg or some TLD similar.  The Sunrise Proposal is UNacceptable and majorly flawed.

I respect your thoughts in your post; but, ICANN should already have the answers to the "technical" side of things.  Realistically, the only thing that should need deciding is the naming of the TLDs.


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