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Username: Dennis
Date/Time: Tue, July 4, 2000 at 6:08 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.01 using Windows NT 5.0
Score: 5
Subject: Questions 25-28:  Welfare Program for the IP Industry


       Jon Postel's axiom was that domain names are not trademarks.  His premise reflected respect for the free speech rights of all individual Internet users, and acknowledged that small businesses require equal access to the commercial resources of the Net. Memento mori. The intellectual property community has resoundingly triumphed at turning Net names into colonizable property that can be claimed in the name of this or that corporate kingdom.  At this point in the Net's history, so many businesses have issued intimidating cease and desist letters to noncommercial domain name holders -- including children -- in the ORG domain, that it is hard to see this as anything but a blatant attempt to maximize existing colonial property values. Forcible segregation of names by means of zoning mechanisms would (I hope) provoke a popular uprising.  If adopted, charters should be completely open and voluntary.  This proposal should go down in history as the Net's equivalent of the USA's Fugitive Slave Act.

Dennis Schaefer
Marblehead MA USA

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