There's also, see link at bottom, nor is it
the only one. I don't know how similar or different their technologies are, but like
I said elsewhere, the centralized net can be routed around, and will be if we come
out of Yokohama and ICANN sticks with the centralized control model. In the same
way that the human genome, our common heritage, is being patented so that the pharmacos
can profit from illness, there are those in the IPC (which overlaps with the former)
who want to map out every square inch of the internet commons and tell you where
you can stand and what you can say. ICANN's public trust is to prevent the latter,
not facilitate it. With ever more powerful computers, ever increasing storage,
always on broadband connections, software following on Gnutella, searches like,
and a naming structure and subscription model somewhat like Usenet, who needs some
central nexus to tell us what we can and can't do? Usual disclaimers apply.
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