Dear Member At Large:What do you think and what is your reaction
to the language contained on the following motion (i.e., how would you improve it?
would you support it and why? Would you not support it and why? What
would it take materailize this vision?) Please post your comments in this forum,
as appropriate.
You have my previous comments (if not please do so) now here is
a little bit more of detail on my previous comments -- mind you that this is a draft
and only a rough draft-- which may (but more than likely not) be eventually recommended
to the Board. It all depends on your reaction and the consensus, or lack there
of, which you express. Thank you in advance.
Very Truly Yours,
Nestor Requeno
Angeles, California USA
Here is the 15 point DRAFT--not yet propoesed--motion for
your review and comments:
To: Each Board of Directors
From: XXXXXXX, a Champion
July 13, 2000 Board Motion Instructing the Identified Parties to Take the Action(s),
as identified, on ICANN's new gTLDs, including action items as assigned, in
order to develop, among other things identified, a New gTLD Implementation & Long-Term
Sustainability Plan (Plan) for mass Internet-use and accessibility, a Benefit Cost
Analysis, a Program Evaluation Component, and a Strategy to describe how the ICANN/gTLD-generated
funding streams can be deposited into a designated fund, with the interest going
to that fund.
It is recommended that your Board:
1. Instruct the Domain Name
Support Organization (DNSO) to immediately delegate to the Workgroup XX the responsibility
of creating a comprehensive Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA) and a cohesive New gTLD Implementation
& Long-Term Sustainability Plan (Plan), with the Workgroup to be organized by the
Directors of the DNSO with oversight by the CEO, the Membership At Large, and the
U.S. Department of Commerce, to create and maintain a unifrom evaluation process
for all identified aspects, including but not limited to A,B,C, and D, for all gTLDs
which the DNSO/Workgroup recommend to the Board for adoption at the October XX, 2000
meeting. This process is to analyze gTLD(s) feasibility in accordance with
applicable guidelines set forth by the United State of America's Federal, theStatr
of California, and nation-state governments and be administered by the International
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and the U.S. Department of Commerce;
upon completion of the comprehesive BCA and the evaluative process and meeting the
applicable guidelines, all gTLDs are to receive final Board approval prior to implementation.
Those gTLDs satisfactorily clearing all the guidelines, the comprehensive BCA and
the evaluative phase which shall not exceed three (3) months for the first (set of)
gTLDs, are to be recommended, each accompanied by a cohesive/comprehensive
"New gTLD Implentation & Long-term Sustainability Plan" (Plan) to the Board for adoption
consideration at the October XX, 2000 meeting, and thereafter as needed-- the aforementioned
Plan submitted to the Board for adoption must include, but must not be limited to
include, a BCA with an desireable/optimum Benetif Cost Ratio in Net Present Value;
a Program Evaluation Component; and a detailed/performance-based Budget; schedule
of implementation; procurement plans and scheduled releases of open-competitive Request
for Proposal (RFPs)/Request for Quoatations (RFQs) and/or sole-source contracts;
and a description which outlines how ICANN will help the disadvantaged masses and
the poor gain access to the Internet and Internet-related technology to achieve long-term
self-sufficiency. The Workgroup XX is to be staffed by representatives from
the ICANN represented constituencies and is to equally incorporate input from the
Membership At Large, the Department of Commerce and Internet community advocates
capable of developing recommendations for new gTLDs in accordance with the bylaws
of ICANN and all applicable guidelines.
2. Intruct the DNSO and the Workgroup XX
to ensure that the Plan provides maximum effectiveness to stabilize gTLD registrations
by building the capacity for local-control, public-choice, and ease-of use so that
the gTLD may be effectively use at the ccTLD, regional and global levels in a self-sustaining
manner. The Plan is to focus on implementing and sustaining specifically targeted
application/use/implementation of the gTLDs while preventing duplication of any pre-existing
gTLDs/trademarked names, with funding for the targeted gTLD application/use/application
of the gTLD to be maintained through use of an "Accumulative Revenue Savings Fund."
This fund will originate through transfer of unallocated registration monies [due
to ICANN from Registrars engagin in the competitive registrations of the new gTLD]
into an interest-bearing trust account, which is specifically dedicated to the long-term
gTLD and Internet sustainability;
3. Intruct the DNSO and Workgroup XX to include
in teh Plan both improvement of existing gTLDs' infracstructure and partnerships
wiht outside organizations, local governments and nation-states; and to encourage
partnerships with technical and non-technical (i.e., public good/social/economic
and public services) organizations, established federal/State/interanational administrative
agencies and Internet community-based organizations, only if such partnerships are
for the purpose of meeting specific program/gTLD objectives; and
4. Intruct the
DNSO and Workgroup XX and the CEO, with the concurrence of the U.S. Department of
Commerce, to report bakc to the Board within 90 days on the DNSO's/Workgoup XX's
completed "New gTLD Implementation & Long-Term Sustainability Plan" for Internet
users (e.g., individuals, legal persons, businesses, and public entities) and the
digitally disadvantaged, with report to include a strategy to describe how unallocated
gTLD-geneerated funds may be deposited into a designated fund, with the interest
going into that fund.
5. To this end, instruct the DNSO and Workgroup XX to identify
what organizations/elected-bodies within and/or outside of the ICANN structure could
provide, for a minimal or no charge, technical assitance in management and administrartion
to ensure appropriate and proper management of funds by both government and non-government
organizations in the Internet community (i.e., at the Regional, ccTLD, nation-state,
State and/or local government level) who are receiving (Federal, State) local government
(e.g., Federal, State, local government funds in the U.S. and other nation-states
alike) and/or International funds (e.g., ICANN-administered funds) to assist persons
who are traditionally disavantage in accessing the Internet and Internet-realted
technogy (e.g., the poor) to proportionately obtain access to the Internet and Internet-related
6. Intruc ICANN's CEO to determine the staff needed in ICANN to coordinate
implementation of each gTLDs, and in the aggregate, recommended by each Plan and
to report to the Board with recommendations within 90 days;
7. Intrust the
CEO and the Directors (or equivalent) of eahc region, ccTLD, nation-state for each
gTLD in the adopted Plan(s) to submit to the Board for approval a specific implementation
plan for each proposed gTLD requiring ICANN-aministered funding from the Fund;
Request each member of the DNSO and IANNA who is a registrar or agency authorized
by ICANN to incorporate the following goal in its scope of work, through any amendment
or contract, and/or requirement of duties and in its (fiscal year 00-01) Performance
Plan: "Complete all necessary planning and preparations to enable the Plan to be
implemented successfully."
9. Urge the U.S. Department of Commerce to fully support
ICANN, including but not limited to issues related to Trademarks, copyrights, and
intellectual property.
10. Urge WIPO to support ICANN's global effort for the purpose
of successfully implementing the Plan;
11. Urge nation-states to fund, as appropriate,
Internet-related technogy and access to Internet-base technology to supplement ICANN's
efforts and to successfully implement the Plan;
12. Instruct the ICANN CEO to provide
the Board with a status report of these efforts within 90 days and every at every
quarterly meeting thereafter.
12a. Instruct the ICANN CEO to prepare a report
to describe and address the needs of the Membership At Large and to provide evidence
on how the needs and concerns of the Membership At Large are being addressed.
Instruct the ICANN CEO and the DNSO to review the recommendations submitted by the
XYZ (name of organizations, etc.) outlined in the [date] transmittal memo to the
Board, and report back within 60 days with how these recommendations can be incorporated
in the current and long-term planning.
15. Instruct the ICANN CEO in collaboration
with the Membership At Large, the existing ICANN structure and other intersted and
able parties to develop a procedure to accommodate potential new gTLDs or service
needs in the future, contingent on funding availability and legal allowability, that
cannot be incorporated within the existing gTLD recommendations, and report bakc
to the Board within 60 days.
END OF DOCUMENT------------------------------------------------------