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Username: Sotiris
Date/Time: Sun, July 9, 2000 at 4:10 AM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.0 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Organizing the At Large Membership.


I just received my ICANN member's announcement for the Yokohama meetings.  It's really worth a look.  For those of you who are not members, I suggest you sign up ASAP and receive a copy.  This may actually be the last chance for meaningful (if such a thing were possible?) representation with ICANN on behalf of "The People".  If we can organize to present nominees whom we will vote for in the coming elections, we might actually be able to make a difference at this crucial juncture.  We can post here in this forum 'till our fingers bleed, or we can organize ourselves and our friends, and present a motivated and interested Membership response.  Otherwise, things will go just about the way *they* will...  I'm interested in any input in this regard.  Please feel free to send me an email at:


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