Most small businesses do not register their trademark
or logo or company name mostly because of cost, time or they are unaware that someone
else might be operating under the same name.It would create havoc and confusion
if one day. Smith's computer company was informed that they could no longer do business
or have an internet presence under this name because someone else had the same name.
needs to be an education process prior to releasing this type of criteria to the
small busienss community of the ramifications of not having their logo or company
name trademarked.
ICAAN needs to consider that the small business enterpernuer
is busy operating their business and most often does not create an elaborate business
plans that look out 5 or 10 years into their business.
Furthermore, small business owners are most often knowledgeable
about the internet and technology and know enough to get started. They do not
have IT departments that keep up with the current trends that would keep them abreast
of issues.