We often set up the .org of our domains for user groups to use. In the majority of
cases, those user groups are either too small or disparate to be incorporated as
non-profit organizations. In addition many people would protect their Trademarks
from being used as .org domains in any case through the legal process.
Some jurisdictions
don't have the concept of non-profit corporations. You would deny those people the
ability to register .org domains completely. In the jurisdictions that do, you force
increased costs (and it is not a small cost to incorporate an NPO and deal with the
governmental redtape, fileing requirements and reporting requirements, and in some
cases just opens the door to having a small organization then comply with regulatory
structures meant for "real" organizations.
Think what a burden this would be for
every model railroad club, bridge club, student organization, etc. to file with the
government of their locale in order to qualify for a .org domain. This amounts to
censorship and undue restraint on the free communications the Internet enables.