I hate being English language centric, but how about creating .NPO for non-profit
organizations.You could then further filter it as country specific by a litmus
test for "global" NPO status (presence as a "licensed" NPO in more than some arbitray
small number (say 3) of governmental jurisdictions or presence solely outside governmental
jurisdictions to be xxx.NPO, else you could create things the ISO country code secondary
domains like .US.NPO, .GB.NPO, etc. and restrict the target country from selling
their secondary domains rights like .TV and .MD did...
So we'd get things like
REDCROSS.NPO or WHO.NPO and then others like NAACP.US.NPO, etc. Presence of an existing
XXX.NPO should preclude registration of a XXX.iso country code.NPO domain to limit
confusion. The previous rule should be able to be waived by the XXX.NPO domain holder
under some administrative procedure at the "global" level.
If the root servers
are updated from the trustee of the global registry database, then abuses are easy
to rectify. So country registrars feed the global registry database controlled in
trust by the global organization.
Pretty simple solution. No impact on current
users. The didn't propose restricting .com in the last round, they proposed creating
.biz, etc... Same logic applies here.