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Username: premiumweb
Date/Time: Thu, March 1, 2001 at 10:50 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: Fine but don't make it retroactive


        First of all, I am a web designer and web host so this concerns me greatly. I have no problem with changing the policy but it's not fair to those who registered the names already to not allow them to renew them.  They have spent lots of time and money promoting .org and have attained name recognition and it would be in my opinion absolutely wrong to make the change retroactive.

Secondly, I am also the proud owner of a popular site called Christian Women on the Web which is at  Though it's not a profit organization, I have no intention at this time of registering as a non-profit.  The domain name has been registered since January of 1999 so that's TWO years that I've been using this name for my group of over 400 Christian ladies!!!

Thanks for listening to our feedback!!!
Glennette Yelverton

Owner, Premium Web Design and Hosting

Leader, Christian Women on the Web


Link: Christian Women on the Web

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