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Username: ZHarris
Date/Time: Fri, March 2, 2001 at 1:50 AM GMT
Browser: [Blocked by Junkbuster] using [Blocked by Junkbuster]
Score: 5
Subject: There is no need for this change to .org


        I am amazed that such a profound change to the .org tld is being considered in such a rushed manner.  There has not been remotely enough consideration, discussion and debate to support the sweeping confiscation of so many .org domains.

What is the urgency?  Where is the crisis that would justify such draconian action?

The fact that this proposal is even being considered demonstrates just why ICANN has been so roundly criticized.  This is exactly the sort of arbitrary, autocratic action that ICANN's critics have pointed to.   And glib comments from ICANN staff that a "transition period" will somehow make it acceptable to simply take away domain names that have been registered and used in good faith and with the *encouragement* of IANA only make the situation worse.

This proposal should be scrapped in its entirety.  Even if there was any basis for changing .org -- and there isn't -- the ONLY acceptable way to do it would be to completely grandfather all current .org domain owners.


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