Some 5 years ago I wanted to host email for a number of familly, opensource and mailing
lists for sundry such as the results of international rowing and sailing comptetition.
As at that time the dutch, italian or english registar did not allow for such frivolity
(they all required legal presense, chamber of commerce registrations and physical
presense); so only .com, .edu, .int, .net and .gov where open to me (living in italy
- a machine in the UK, dutch citizen).At that time RFC1591 (- the only guiding
document) said:
ORG - This domain is intended as the miscellaneous
TLD for
organizations that didn't fit anywhere
else. Some non-
government organizations
may fit here.
.INT, .NET, .GOV and .EDU are obvious misfits; .COM was out too as
I was not a commercial entity. So .ORG it was to be. Now I fail to understand why
is this revisted ? We have the change to add other TLD's if needed - why break up
an old one ?
A second more emotial objection is that over the year's domains grow
on people; they are 'name's; and names are something one gets attached to. What is
the win of taking this away ? Why would one do so ?