The TLDs should *not* be private property of any corporation, specially one that
has demonstrated over and over that they are a) Inefficient b) Greedy and c) The
worse at customer care. It is very imortant that ICANN does its job properly
and maintains the corporation-independant standing of the TLDs....and by this
I mean that there should be at least 5 or 6 different companies that can sell TLDs
and compete in that space. Monopolies are society's worse enemies, and monopolies
in a communication medium like the Net will only turn it into a nightmare for
all. If VeriSign doesn't like your content because it bashes them, they take your
domain away, if they get money from Big Corp A, they take your domain because
you talk about Big Corp's not something that we should allow.Please
support free speech and don't do this to the whole world.
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