I completely agree with everything Chris Grady just said.
ICANN's actions are similar to a Government setting aside land for a wildlife
preserve, abandoning any regulation and protection of that land, actually promoting
the development of it, then returning after it has developed into a prospering and
thriving city and telling eveyone they have to abandon their land and buildings so
we can tear everything down and return it back to normal. Oh, and by the way "we
will not compensate you for your troubles". ICANN's decisions could probably
be re-produced by lab monkeys pressing random buttons.
ICANN is in need of phsycological
treatment because this is the thinking of a crazy person.
I agree with Chris Grady
100%. Start a new top level domain and do it right from the start. Nobody gets hurt
and more importantly the lawyers DON'T get rich.
Start .NPO !!!
Dr. Vassar