Your facts are correct.It is almost as if ICANN is looking to be run
out of business by even attempting such nonsense.
Mark my words, if ICANN goes
ahead and implements this plan you will see the lawsuits piled up!
NSI and others
"encouraged" people to register in .net and .org
It will be interesting to see
how those who have spent time and money building their .net and .org's will be compensated!
know that even saying here is your $35 back won't cut it in the least.
Part of
me wishes ICANN proceeds with this plan as it will cause their demise. The furor
over the process and selection of new gtlds was evident however and unfortunately
that was a small segment of the internet community. Since ICANN now decided to pick
a fight with every .net and .org holder on the planet this outrage will surely continue
to grow and it will be goodbye ICANN as we know it, ha ha ha
If ICANN literally
doesn't go away then at the very least Mike Roberts and Louis Touton must!
I am
willing to wager they are the two most likely suspects behind all this.
Isn't it
great that ICANN will use the left over funds from the new gtld process to defend
themselves in lawsuits. Isn't that just grand.
What a bunch of morons!