In response to an email I sent to Secretary Evans and copied to Dr. Vint Cerf and
Mr. Andrew McLauglin, I had a conversation with Dr. Cerf regarding the current concerns
of many of the private .org users who have posted here. Once it was clear
to him that I was discussing individual usage that was not "for-profit" although
neither incorporated under any US state's "nonprofit" charter nor recognized as a
"nonprofit" organization by the IRS, he reassured me that "there is no intention
of excluding operations such as [mine] from .org."
I also heard from Mr. McLaughlin
that "ICANN has no intention of deleting existing .org domain names."
I suspect
that this is all a matter of unclear wording. I have urged the two gentlemen
to clarify this point in the agreement.
I am looking forward to seeing a slightly
modified version of this agreement with some attention paid to this concern.
I leave it to others to debate the issue of VeriSign's control of the .COM gTLD