Giving one company a monopoly
on the dotcom master list seems to run counter to the nature of the internet, placing
too much power in the hands of one company and leaving too much room for abuse.
As a recent example, I received an e-mail from VeriSign just a few days ago advising
me that my domain name would soon expire. They offered a ten-year extension
for $210. I took the offer. The next day I was notified, counter to the come-on
in the e-mail, that the "extension" began the day I accepted the offer and not
on the anniversary of the domain name's expiration, thereby reducing the "10-year
extension" to some unknown period and requiring me to pay $250 instead of $210.
It took three days of threatening e-mails and a final phone call to VeriSign to resolve
the problem. If there were greater competition in domain name
registration, I doubt that VeriSign would have sent out such a shoddy and misleading e-mail.
Those of us in business on the internet have enough just dealing with spam without
the additional burden of cleaning up after VeriSign.
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