The proposal for .org is absolutely outrageous - a clear abuse of power. One of
my first few purchases was a '.org' domain name - because the '.com' had gone and
I wanted the name. No-one then mentioned that it had to be non-profit. It was a free
for all. Now someone appears and tries to RETROSPECTIVELY legislate. Totally unacceptable.
If having released the names on one basis that should be it. I have invested heavily
in this in good faith, as have many other people.
If they now want a 100% non-profit
domain suffix, why not create a new one, and declare it non-profit from the start?
No problem with that... the rule is set at the outset so no complaints from anyone.
But to set something like this AFTER people have invested is a disgrace. I will
certainly do everything I can reasonably do to retaliate if these people force this
However, I hope it doesn't come to that - surely they are answerable
to some legislature... this surely should be illegal. Who the hell do they think
they are?