My big question is WHY? You said 'what', but you didn't say 'why'.I mean,
really. Why bother? What would be gained?
Even according to the officiaul
U.S. government specs on what the TLDs are designed for say that .ORG is intended
for miscellaneous, usually non-profit organizations and individuals. (Those
specs have been posted many times.)
The term "miscellaneous" covers a *LOT* of
territory. And the word "usually" is pretty important too. It does NOT
exclude any sort of business or commercial or profit.
So why bother changing it
into something it wasn't designed to be?
If they had originally intended that right
from the beginning (like the exclusive nature with .MIL and .EDU), then it might
make sense. But they didn't.
If they had introduced numerous new TLDs 5+
years ago, then it might vaguely make sense. But they didn't.
You just can't
do a whole world on just two TLDs (.com & .net) And they aren't trying to force
those into soley commercial and solely newtork/ISP specific. (And don't forget,
even the new TLDs only add two for individuals & general use. If .org is revoked,
then that's only one new TLD for the entire world to use! .COM .NET .INFO .NAME
All the others are restricted for specific uses.)
If there is a need for a genuine
registered non-profit organization etc., wouldn't it make sense to create a specific
TLD for them instead? And right from the beginning make sure only they can
get a domain? That way there can be no misunderstanding etc.? It's worked
for .MIL and .EDU
So again, my question is WHY?
Why bother opening yourself up
to a massive number of lawsuits making a change that very very few people feel makes
any sense?
You didn't explain your reasons. You just stated your opinion.