Think about it.....
In the world of business there
are customers and sellers. Behind that there vendors/suppliers - marketers
and so on and so fourth.If this contract passes would it hurt the internet community?
a possibility...
This will give the preception that money and power can limit free
trade and enterprise....
Free trade is the equal opportunity that one has to make
in the market and when .orgs become restricted after being used so long will make
other skeptical....
Am I going to build a business on the net just to have someone
shut me down?
Imagine if long ago k-mart was shut down because all marts could
have only one store?
Would there be Wal-mart? What if someone came along
and said that there could be no duplication of names on buildings.....
Would there
be a Mcdonalds?
Imagine what would happen to the econamy if these never
The proposed agreements are doing just that and may hurt the internet
Right now there are not a lot of good things going for the internet
and when you take that coupled with this it could lead to disaster...
Think about
No replies are needed get these people that are going to do the voting read
this scanerio and remember....
I have vested intrests cause I would like to have
the opportunity to use my name and have a business....
Like the scenirio avbove
if I woulda been sam walton and people would have limited me to one store imagine
the affect it would have on my backpocket but also imagine the affect it would have
on the econemy...
Thank you