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Comments on "Proposed Criteria..." from Karl Auerbach
  • To: <forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Comments on "Proposed Criteria..." from Karl Auerbach
  • From: "ALAC" <alac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 17:16:44 -0700
  • Importance: Normal

Thank you for your comments.

1. Regarding your inquiring about public posting of comments and your
request for public posting during the comment period:

The comment period was extended to enable additional comments and responses
to these postings.

2. Regarding your objection to the use of the phrase “ICANN's technical
management responsibilities,” and to the requirement that organizations
demonstrate that their concerns/activities relate to this:

The ALAC intended to simply reference the basic mission of ICANN.  This
phrase has been deleted. The ALAC believes that, to help achieve informed
participation in ICANN of the At-Large community, At-Large Structures need
to involve individual Internet users in at least one issue or activity that
relates to ICANN's mission.  This seems like a reasonable and necessary
criteria to help reach our goal.

3. Regarding your comment that that the proposed criteria should not be
imposed on the At-Large community until similar criteria are imposed on
other ICANN stakeholders (and their constituent organizations):

The ALAC proposed the criteria in a pragmatic approach to comply with ICANN’
s bylaws and launch the building of an effective network of At-Large
Structures.  We attempted to balance the need to minimize the rules and
simplify the At-Large Structure designation process with the need to provide
guidance and assurances that At-Large Structures would be credible groups
that facilitate informed participation by users in ICANN.  The ALAC has no
authority over, nor position on, imposing criteria on other stakeholders or
their constituent organizations.

We look forward to hearing from you again.

The Interim At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC)

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