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Verisign abuse of trust.
  • To: <forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Verisign abuse of trust.
  • From: "Philip Peake" <philip@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2003 12:45:09 -0700
  • Importance: High
  • Reply-by: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 13:29:00 -0700

By now,it should be obvious to everyone other than Verisign executives, 
that redirecting non-existant DNS lookups is abad idea.

ICANN really have to now address this problem head-on. in the short 
term, an INSTRUCTION to Verisign to cease and desist should be sent. 
This should be followed up by an open review of  the continued role of 
Verisign as registrar for ANY internet domain.

Failure to rapidly address this problem will have two forseeable 

1) Legal action (similar to that currently being launched against 
Verisign) being brought agaionst ICANN for failure to perform its duties.

2) Pressure on the US government to re-think the current DNS management 

This mess needs to be cleared up NOW!!

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