Hello,I'd like to share some opinions which occurred in the europeen net-talks
concerning the ICANN nominations.
In Germany, where I come from, there is quite
a big interest in the AtLarge Membership. This interest is a result of several media
campaigns that tried to show the importance of this voting. But the biggest voice
heard, the one which gained the major support, is the one that argued that one should
settle ICANN within the UNO environment.
Nowadays, ICANN is a very *American* Organisation.
It settles in America, so it's subject of American Law. Many Europeens are concerned
about this fact (regarding American resp. NATO's statements in the Kosovakrisis which
wanted to shut down all Jugoslawien Net accesses).
The ICANN Organisation has
to be a pure providing technical organisation, it should not decide in what terms
soever. To ensure this, one should not allow *any* state to have a major influence...such
as the USA do have now.
I'm also concerned about the other Europeens. Memberships
seem to be distributed mainly in Germany, so other nations in Europa have two chances:
support any upcoming candidate from their country (with the effort of loosing their
voice) or support one *europeen* candidate. It is likely that this will be a German,
and I also understand that not everybody in Europa is quite happy about this...so
eventually we do nto get an europeen candidate at all. NomCom will do the job alone,
and all those who took part in the AtLarge membership did legitimate their undemocratic
So what can be done?
I request for a europeen-wide discussion on this
subject. On my page, which is linked below, I provide several (German) links to this
subject, also to the media campaigns in the net.
I would be happy if other Europeens
take part in these discussions and, if available, bring in some opinions from other
countries. We have to found a strong europeen voice. Let's not do NomCom the job
Greetings from Germany