Dr. Charles Jackson has expressed
an interest in joining the RegistryPro Advisory Board if RegistryPro is awarded a
bid to run the .pro TLD.Dr. Jackson would bring significant experience and expertise
to the Advisory Board's work in helping to shape policies for the new TLD.
Dr. Jackson received a Ph.D. in Communications and Operations Research from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1977. At M.I.T., he specialized in
operations research, computer science, and communications. While a graduate
student at M.I.T., he held the faculty rank of Instructor, taught graduate operations
research courses, and was codeveloper of an undergraduate course in telecommunications.
Jackson was staff engineer for the Communications Subcommittee of the U.S. House
of Representatives. At the Federal Communications Commission, he was special
assistant to the Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau and engineering assistant to
Commissioner Robinson. He has also worked as a digital designer and computer
programmer. After leaving government, Dr. Jackson cofounded both the telecommuications-consulting
firm of Shooshan & Jackson Inc., whose practice was later combined with that of National
Economic Research Associates, Inc., and Strategic Policy Research, Inc.
Dr. Jackson
is a member of the IEEE, the Internet Society, the American Mathematical Society,
and Sigma Xi. He is an adjunct professor of electrical engineering and computer
science at George Washington University, where he has taught a graduate course in
mobile communications. From 1982 to 1988, he was an adjunct professor at Duke
University. He is a member of the U.S. Department of Commerce's Spectrum Planning
and Policy Advisory Committee (SPAC) and of the Federal Communications Commission's
Technological Advisory Committee.
Dr. Jackson has authored or coauthored numerous
studies on public policy issues and has testified before Congress.
For further
information regarding Dr. Jackson, please refer to his resume C.V. and publications
at www.jackson.net.