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Username: nib
Date/Time: Sat, November 11, 2000 at 4:10 AM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.7 using Windows 98
Score: 5
Subject: We'll be heard-- one way or another


        I completely agree. I hope I'm wrong, but it seems the writing is on the wall-- ICANN has paved the way to unfairly give .web to Afilias. (Nice inside job, guys; but how do Stubbs and company sleep at night?). One good thing may come out of this though:  The class action suit that is sure to follow may well be ICANNs undoing. There the light will be shined so brightly on ICANNs hypocrisy and nepotism that I can almost smell the stench rising from the heat of it all. Please excuse my emotional response. It's just that I am utterly stunned by what has transpired thus far.


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