Cyber-Cynic comments:>>This is not the proper channel for IOD to respond
to ICANN's evaluation of their application<<
Um read the following (from ICANN):
Public Comment Period. A second web-based public comment forum will be established
at the time the Staff Report is issued to allow the public to comment on the report.
The second forum will also permit persons wishing to make their own comments on the
applications to do so.
More Comments from Cyber-Cynic (a.k.a
who knows?):
>>>First off you've got applicants inundating the forum (mainly IOD)
with their perspective trying to stifle free expression and quell any rising contrary
Sir, what applicants are inundating this forum??...IF your talking
about IOD supporters who quite frankly disagree with the IOD review...WE HAVE GOOD
REASON to explain our position, and correct those of others who give no argument
why they should believed .
And notice we are doing it in the open (with our names
posted)...We have no idea who you are....For all anyone knows you could be someone
with interest from another group...So just see this for what it is...No one is taping
your fingers together so that you cannot type your "stealth" posts (which I might
add) have never added to the discussion rather they have tried to provoke...When
you make false representations of IOD's position, your GOING to hear from us...That
is plain, "old" setting the record straight....