Will you permit the hoarding of millions of .web names by Afilias or whoever,
as has been permitted in .com?
Curious minds would like to
Why has a registrar been permitted to keep millions
of .com names to itself?
Curious minds would like to know.
Isn't a registrar charged with the smooth allocation of domain names
into private hands, and isn't it going against its reason for existence to discharge
the names into its own hands?
Curious minds would like to
Afilias can register 2000 names per second. How
many seconds head start will Afilias be given, if it is permitted to become the registrar
for .web (or any other TLD)?
Curious minds would like to know.
NSI is valued in the billions of dollars. How much of this valuation
is based on domain names it has kept for itself?
Curious minds
would like to know.
Why, in the "ICANN Comment" section of
the evaluations, did you discuss passionately how much money IOD is going to make,
and not comment at all on how much money Afilias, Neustar, NSI, or anyone else is
going to make?
Curious minds would like to know.
What is more valuable ICANN: being the registrar, or hoarding
the valuable names before the public can get to them?
minds would like to know.
What do you think about in your
private thoughts ICANN: The value of the registry based on public registrations,
or the value of the registry based on hoarded and specially accorded domain names?
Curious minds would like to know.
Thank you for listening, Eliahu