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Username: Dimitry
Date/Time: Tue, November 14, 2000 at 6:59 PM GMT
Browser: Netscape Communicator V4.73 using XWindows/Linux 2.2.17 (Pentium Pro)
Score: 5
Subject: Business, Developing Countries, and DotYP


To be fair, the following is extremely biased as I am a founder of DotYP.

Many have consistently expressed dismay that there is minimal
participation in the Internet by developing nations, both due to a
language barrier and due to technological unavailability and skill

ICANN can *solve* this problem in one fell swoop by approving the
Monsoon Assets/DotYP application.  Perhaps we're dealing with an
excessive case of idealism on our part, but we are hopeful that ICANN
will take notice of the importance of allowing *any* business with
telphone *anywhere* in the world to have a web presence, no more or
less significant than competitors of any size.

Essentially, a Japanese business-person who wanted to build a house in
Kumasi could, in a unicode-supported language, type http://electricians.kumasi.ghana.yp
and receive a list of electricians available in every Kumasi telephone
book.  Yes, the project is large, but the implementation is very
easy...just long and tedious.

The Board of Directors has been ill-served by those who attempted to
evaluate our technology.  Those members of the staff said we didn't
specify which misspelling-handler we'd use, but such software is
available off-the-shelf.  Calling our application incomplete on those
grounds or on the other, similar issues, is tantamount to declaring
that it was incomplete because we didn't declare the color of socks
our programmers would wear.

I ask that others who read this take notice of the ideals of Steve
Wozniak, Dan Sokol, and myself and help us actually provide a service
(what a novel concept) which is by nature open, useful, impartial,
globally available, and nearly universal in scope.

For information, e-mail me as or



Link: Click for a hasty explanation of how DotYP will work.

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