Dear HMG,
With your permission, I am going to be blunt. You do not know what you are
talking about.
Without the "sunrise" provision, you, as a
little guy, have as good a chance of obtaining an excellent .web, .info, or .site,
as anyone else. This would not be fair to the multi-national corporations,
to Afilias, or to ICANN.
Let me put it another way.
Afilias only has the ability to register 2,000 names a second. They "require"
a number of months headstart, or you, as a little guy irritant, might cause them,
to lose a premier name, and that would not be fair to them.
We are talking about fairness here. Remember, ICANN DEMANDS COMPETITIVE
Now, Afilias, I have a suggestion to you.
Since you cannot reserve names fast enough to register every nugget without a few
slipping through your fingers, I recommend you reserve the raw ore in advance and
register them at your convenience.
You can have a little
sign pop up that says "might be available," to anyone who inquires, and then of course
you can immediately make it unavailable.
What's that you say?
You already thought of that. Silly me.