a) There are several proposed TLDs longer than 3 letters. b) Three letters is
nice, but not essential to a functioning internet. To deny a new TLD simply
for this reason is arbitrary.
c) There are only so many viable three-letter combinations
using the Roman alphabet, and none of them appropriately represent the Cooperative
d) Cooperative members and customers are quite used to reading and typing
out the word "co-op" with a hyphen. I've never seen a co-op promote itself as "Generictown
Grocery Coop" or "Rural Electric Coop".
e) If accepted, .co-op would be the first
TLD to use a hyphen. I think most of the distaste expressed to date about the
hyphen have been a fear of something new. Yet, plenty of website addresses
use hyphens. It's just not that frightening.
f) Still, if substantial research
can be found to back up the position that the hyphen is a barrier to access, we can
get used to typing ".coop".
g) See the hundreds of comments from the initial round
to learn more about why cooperatives are not properly represented by either ".com"
or ".org". The Cooperative Movement is global, cross-sectoral, and includes
businesses and services owned by either consumers, workers or
A worker or producer co-op is almost never eligible for non-profit status, while
consumer co-ops distinguish themselves from .coms by holding themselves responsible
to the customer, not the stockholder/sole proprietor/partner.
h) Again, I heartily
register my support for .co-op as a TLD.
Amanda Werhane
Member, Recreational
Equipment Incorporated (REI)
Member, Cooperative Center Federal Credit Union
Board member, North American Students of Cooperation
Former President, Madison
Community Cooperative
Former Member-owner, Lothlorien Housing Co-op, Emma Goldman
Housing Co-op, and Fruitvale Housing Co-op
Former Staff, University of Wisconsin
Center for Cooperatives