Hello,I was thinking again and I realised that there is something strange in the
whole domain name registration system. I will describe it as a distance between names
and I will try to explain it briefly.
When one registers a domain name, it reflects
them or someone else. For example Micros0ft.com is a domain name I visited for fun
once. It was selected because it is similar to Microsoft.com (R). Similarly, we all
know about the NameSucks.com web sites that exist. These are attempts to encroach
on an existing name. Otherwise stated, these are attempts to reduce the distance
between them and the name they want to be close to.
If I want to register a name
and maintain distance to other names, I end up registering many different names.
For example, widgetco would need to register at least widgetco.com, wijetco.com,
widjetco.com,widgitco.com, widjitco.com, widgetcosucks.com, and so on and so forth.
Considering 0's for o's and we have a total of 20 domain names already. A little
brainstorming and we will expand that further - likely to around 100 domain names
(if available). This protects a reasonable space around a name. The cost, well the
cost is not cheap but the results are worth it.
Similarly, in trademark law you
get protection based on how unique your name is and a likelihood of confusion. Thus
widget and wijet will likely be confusing for a same product. If the products are
very different, confusion is less likely.
A major problem with .com is establishing
this space around your name - preventing others from trading on your name. Just look
at ICANNT. I read about it here. It is clearly using the ICANN site goodwill and
reputation to improve its trade. There is insufficient space between these names.
ICANN should evaluate the proposals to see if anyone provides a system that increases
distance between registered names so as to provide people with domain names that
actually mean something.