I spent my one minute quoting
the United States Small Business Administration's view of the "sunrise period".
The sunrise period is unfair, probably illegal, etc.Yes, there were IOD supporters
there. In fact, most people I talked to, in the room (including other applicants),
felt IOD should be awarded .WEB.
There was much anti-ICANN sentiment in
the room.
There were many attorneys present, some spoke with or for their
respective applicant. I'm sure there will be lawsuits brought by applicants
whose applications are rejected. If I was an applicant, and the ICANN board
demonstrated they were not even familiar with what TLD I had applied for, I would
do the same.
Today (November 16), ICANN will probably decide which applicants proceed
to the next phase, negotiations.
According to applicants, the 3 minutes
allotted each applicant, to speak at the public forum November 15, was the only time
given to applicants to respond to the hastily thrown together staff report.
doesn't seem fair, to any of the applicants.
There were plenty of reporters there
(MSNBC, Wired News, et al).
Surprisingly, it appeared .XXX and .KIDS were shot
down. The only reason given was by Mr. Cerf, stating he could not see the need
The Internet should probably be called Cerfnet, after this fiasco.