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Username: friedrich
Date/Time: Wed, June 27, 2001 at 11:01 PM GMT
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer V5.5 using Windows NT 4.0
Score: 5
Subject: This shows that ITU practices could easily be applied to the Internet.


        There is no reason to exclude the ORSC from the main root.

The ORSC-problem only exists, BECAUSE they were constantly denied

The ITU never denied access to applying countries or new techniques
like handies (if I am informed correctly), but they organised a place
for everyone to stay in the system and thus kept the system stable.

Had they not done so, we would experience a total mess today and lack
the possibility to call from everywhere to anywhere we want.

ICANN is actively producing a mess instead of organising a solution.
That is a fact.

The duplication of existing roots only increases the already existing




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