Hi Brendon, I relate
to your problem because my last name is the same as a famous opera singer's last
name and the domain was taken by a record company, however, I have accomplished my
objective. There are so many different ways to do it:Joe@Lastname.com, .org,
or .net
Joe@LastnameFamily.com, .org, or .net
Joe@LastnameClan.com, org, or
Joe@LastnameBunch.com, org, or .net
Joe@TheLastnames.com, .org, or .net
.org, or .net
How would it make it better for me if there was .art, .info,
or .sex? I can't see how. Furthermore, I could accomplish the same thing
without confusing the entire Internet world. How? I would just use those
same initials before the dot, for example:
Joe@TheLastnamesArt.com, .org, or .net
.org, or .net
Joe@TheLastnamesInfo.com, .org, or .net
I recognize that some of the examples above are bizarre, but the same thing would
happen with new TLDs. Why would I want my last name or my families last name
with an .art, or .xxx, or .info ending anyway? It
doesn't make sense.
Let's start using our imaginations.