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[wildcard-comments] Verisgn Wildcard change

  • To: <wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [wildcard-comments] Verisgn Wildcard change
  • From: "Michael Fair" <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 13:16:09 -0700
  • Organization: DaClubhouse
  • Sender: owner-wildcard-comments@xxxxxxxxx

Negative answers are just as important as positive answers!

Further, their actions are a complete violation of trust and faith
that they will operate the .com and .net databases for the good of
the community and not for their own financial gain.

I call for the instant revokation of Verisgn's privileged position
and an immediate call for the selection of a new and more trustworthy
steward for the .com and .net databases as sever and swift punishment
of Verisign on the merits of willful violation of the faith and trust 
placed in Versign that it's status as the .com and .net database 
maintainer would not be abused and the willful violation of due process 
that heretofore was assumed as standard procedure for such changes 
before such major operational changes were made.

This was not a change that Verisign had the right to make.
It must be made crystal clear that such actions by the stewards of
our data can not, must not and will not be tolerated.  Their actions
come at an extremely painful time in the Internet's evolution as
SPAM and other unwanted behavior is rampant.  Verisign has heretofore
held an extremely privileged and trusted place in the internet community
where it has a moral obligation to the community to uphold the privacy
and trust of the community.  Other database steward's outrage over 
Verisgn's actions are demonstrable acts of their understanding of
their privileged and trusted position in our community.

If the default wildcard of any tld was to take place it should be
clearly specified in the policies of that tld.

The .com and .net domains are special among all the tlds as they are
the most widely used which makes Verisign's actions even more despicable.

I do not fault Verisign for their desire to implement such a powerful
monetizing service.  They are a business and have every right to think
of such things.  I fault Verisign for their abuse of position, their 
complete disrespect for the Internet Community and standards bodies we
have that govern the operational practices of the Internet.  Being a
tld database steward isn't a capitalistic opportunity that the particular
chosen organization can do with what it pleases.  It is a privileged 
and trusted position within the Internet infrastructure for which we
compensate them for their services.

Verisign is not the registrant of the "com." domain.
I, at this time, am unable to determine who the official registrant
of that domain is.  But whoever it is, Verisign, unless done at the
explicit request of the com. registrant, has usurped control from
them and once again violated the faith and trust of the registrant.

Just as Verisign decided that it could just one day alter the operational
procedures of the Internet I call for the immediate decision to change
Verisign's position as the trusted steward of our data.

-- Michael --

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