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Notes from Conversation with Zita Wenzel(RE: USC's ISI/IANA/ICANN's Sell-out ofCitizen's Interests and Rights)

October 22, 1998

TO: Ira Magaziner
Senior Adviser to the President,
Policy Development
Old Executive Office Building,
Room 216
1700 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20502

CC: Honorable Mr. Pickering, Subcommittee on Basic Research; Hon. Mr. Bliley,
House Commerce Committee;  Hon. Mr. Daley, National Telecommunications and
Information Administration; Hon. E.B. Johnson; Mr. Joe Sims, Attorney,
ICANN, & Mr.
Schorr, University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute

FROM: Stephen J. Page, Individual Respondee to DNSpolicy@NTIA.DOC.GOV;
Participant, Open Root Server Consortium (ORSC), Independent Researcher,
Network Systems, Pleasanton, California, US, representing Internet
.a(sm)-.z(sm) Name Registry, T: 925-454-8624 email: usdh@ccnet.com, and
Developer, the i(r).com(sm) network access, connectivity and content service
to the global community of i(r)ndividuals, email: ichannel@home.com

RE: USC's ISI/IANA/ICANN's Sell-out of Citizen's Interests and Rights

To Mr. Magaziner, and all interested parties in scalable network systems
management design,

To: usdh@ccnet.com
From: usdh@mail.ccnet.com (steve)
Subject: Comments Made to Zita Wenzel, USC ISI RE: ICANN By-laws
Cc: ichannel@home.com, hongd@slip.net, jaffer@rosenblum.com,
pointer@hinklelaw.com, tgpage@aol.com, jbpgolf@aol.com,

September 18, 1998

RE: A conversation between Stephen J. Page and USC's Information Sciences
Institute representative, working with IANA (a function of the ISI) and
Network Solutions, Inc., the contractor to the National Science Foundation
which runs Internic (where domain names are registered), Ms. Zita Wenzel 30
minutes ago

To Whom It May Concern,
        Comments were made to Zita Wenzel, point of contact for IANA and
attorneys working to create the By-laws and the Board of Directors,
regarding the new corporation being created.  By telephone.
        Paraphrased:  I wanted to insure that the issues regarding the
perceived "assets" of IANA were solved PRIOR to the incorporation of the
new corporation, because it made sense that the rights in commerce of
individuals like me, including myself, (as well as any others with
outstanding claims to the rights to use their marks in commerce,as they see
fit) should be solved by the organization which registered the names over
four years ago, and not by the "New Corporation" which will be controlled
by an unknown group of people from around the world, with no prior rights
or claims to the "assets".
        I commented that I did not want decisions pertaining to my rights
to use my intellectual property made by someone from another part of the
world (for the good of the public), when I have been attempting to use and
build my mark for a number of years, which predated the existence of a
commercial marketplace called "the Internet".
        I was told by Zita to take up the registration of a secondary level
domain name with Internic (which is sort of like the left hand telling
someone to talk to the other hand because it wasn't any of their business).

        In my opinion, this interplay between the policies of Internic and
IANA need to be clarified because the issue regarding single-digit
character strings as "marks" in commerce, at either level Secondary Level
Domain or Top Level Domain, is one of the key issues regarding simplifying
the use of the Internet addresses for Internet users.
        Unfortunately, IANA's policy has been to restrict the use of
single-digit characters, which restricts the usefulness of using the
alphabetical structure of the human brain to its full potential, because
the single-digit characters can be linked to any word or character string
and alphabetized in a database which becomes a logical representation on a
network of the way the human brain stores language (the innernetwork).
Below is a copy of what I sent to the DNS Forum to describe what I am
attempting to do.

Stephen J. Page

(c) Copyright, 1998. Stephen J. Page.  All Rights Reserved.

Date: Wed, 16 Sep 1998 17:50:30 -0700 (PDT)
X-Sender: usdh@pop.ccnet.com (Unverified)
Mime-Version: 1.0
To: dns.forum@lists.xs2.net
From: usdh@mail.ccnet.com (steve)
Subject: Re: [DNS.Forum] Re: Facts and Myths About DNS
Cc: usdh@ccnet.com, ichannel@home.com, jaffer@rosenblum.com, hongd@slip.net,
        tgpage@aol.com, pointer@hinklelaw.com, jbpgolf@aol.com

DNS Forum:
        Following the lines of thinking which I've seen expressed in
various email posts, some thoughts.
        The DNS is about transmitting energy across the Internet which is
regulated by the science of physics which governs the flow of light
(photons) and electromagnetic energy (electrons), energy which is
transformed at the retina of the eye (the brain) into electrochemical
energy which stimulates an internal representation of the external world,
creating a perceptable impression, which generates a thought, which creates
a memory, which leads to a response, which can be translated back into an
internetworked interaction with a computer which receives the human input
(character string or a name) and resolves it to a database of names which
are mapped to a database of computer identifiers (IP numbers) allowing
person to locate another person, place, or thing.
        The DNS is about the laws of physics which allow humanly created
energy to flow from one source to another through the pathway above,
without fear of being "choked off" by someone or something that is
controlling the character strings, which are really the elements that are
designed to be freely used by individual people.
        Below are some more thoughts.

        Steve Page T: 925-454-8624

Title: A Foundation for an Inclusive, International DNS Organization United
in Celebration of the Diversity of Unique Individuals Everywhere

1. DNS is the point of intersection between human beings' language (their
brain) and its intersecting interaction with computer language, which is
organized by a standard protocol, IP numbers.

2. Naming is the output of an individual's brain (a system of storing
sounds, symbols, pictures and other contextual data) to label one's
perception of activities and categories (subsets) of the world, enabling
individuals to communicate common ideas about persons, places, things.

3. Persons, places, and things are described in different symbolic ways in
different cultures/geography, using different character combination
(character strings) which are organized to represent different sound
combinations, collectively aggregated systematically into complex
structures called languages.

4. The actual use of a language to name person, places, and things, over
time, has evolved from its simple origin of sounds to a complex system
comprised of simple sounds and characters which scale toward greater
complexity, representing not only persons, places, and things, but complete
ideas relating to them.

5. The evolution of individuals' language(s) evolves as a living changing
structure because it is the people who are the living elements who use,
store, retrieve, and communicate the language and who create new elements,
over time, which are added to the collective vocabulary (lexicon) of the
language.  Each individual's subset of the language is called one's
vocabulary, and the sum of all elements of the sum of each person's
vocabulary, is equal to the language lexicon.

6. The structure of the DNS mirrors and reflects the exact structure of a
how language is learned and stored in the human mind, organized from simple
to complex, in a hierarchical structure, comprised of six physical and six
logical layers.

7. If, as in #5, the sum of the total words used by a given individual
speaking a given language (English for instance) equals their unique
vocabulary, the total which represents a subset of the English language,
then the sum of all individuals' English vocabularies equals the total
vocabulary of all English-speaking people.

8. If #7 is indeed the case, and if #6 is true as well, where the DNS
structure is a mirror of the structure of the human mind and how it stores
language, then the DNS system should be scalable enough to represent all of
the vocabulary elements of, not only the English language, but all other
languages, as well, since the purpose of DNS is to map descriptions of
persons, places, and things (names) to computers which are standardized to
the Internet Protocol, IP, regardless of location, language, or culture.

9. The DNS system, seen in light of 1-8 above, can be proven to represent
the structure of language in the human brain, organized hierarchically.
Therefore, controlling DNS by means of not allowing diverse representation
from speakers and users of diverse languages, prevents DNS from being
maximally useful to people who use language for their own self-interested,
and in the interest of communicating with others (regardless of distance).

10.  Therefore, be it resolved, that the future of the DNS should be
determined by those scientific and linguistic experts and representatives
of diverse languages from around the world, who have an interest in
representing their language (& their vocabulary), which will be allowed to
be included in the emerging superset of global online vocabulary
translation of names to IP numbers.

Stephen J. Page
T: 925-454-8624
Internet .A(sm)-.Z(sm) Name Registry
www.a-z-registry.com (prototype)
Scalable, Logical Character-strings Mapping of Words to IP Numbers, Worldwide

Portions excerpted from DNS: A Digital Framework for Organizing Language,
People, and Electronic Commerce(c) a forthcoming essay/book by Stephen J.

.a(sm), .c(sm), .c(sm) .d(sm), .e(sm), .f(sm), .g(sm), .h(sm), .i(sm),
.j(sm), .k(sm), .l(sm), .m(sm), .n(sm), .o(sm), .p(sm), .q(sm), .r(sm),
.s(sm), .t(sm), .u(sm), .v(sm), .w(sm), .x(sm), .y(sm), .z(sm) are Service
Marks of Stephen J. Page, which are used in the course of Internet
.a(sm)-.z(sm) Name Registry's business.

(c) Copyright, 1996-1998.  Stephen J. Page.  All Rights Reserved.

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