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Re: [ifwp] Re: It's been a pleasure (was: The Lesson We Got)

On Sat, 5 Sep 1998, Jim Dixon wrote:

> The IFWP process had an underlying premise: that the IANA and NSI were
> completely at odds, and therefore we needed someone to arbitrate between 
> them.  

*Ahem*, that is but a portion of it. I have not been involved in this
process for the purpose of faciliating discussion between IANA and
NSI. I have been involved in the process to represent the viewpoint of the
company I work for, and the ISP/C. I imagine many others feel the same,
however they are quite capable of saying so.

Patrick Greenwell				         (800) 299-1288 v
			   Systems Administrator	 (925) 377-1212 v
	                         NameSecure		 (925) 377-1414 f    
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