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Comments to "Implementation of a New IANA Organization"


Please receive these simple comments from a person having been involved
with NORID (http://www.uninett.no/navn/english.html) for a long time,
now head of the section in which the Norwegian Internet Domain Name
Registry, NORID is organized.

1. The document is an excellent basis for achieving what we want,
   a stable continuation of securing the "diamonds" of the Internet.

2. Offices.
   Instead of saying WHERE the offices should be, I think it
   would have been better to set up some requirements that should
   be fullfilled by the main office and the additional offices.

   Like: Stable democracy.
         Sufficiant availability of qualified personnel 
            before Sept 30.
         Smooth transition from current IANA.

   In any case we may end up with offices in California, but with 
   the requirements we could skip the everlasting US/NON US debate.

3. It is not clear to me what is a "Supporting Organization".

4. Funding.
   The natural structure for funding is to have a f. ex. yearly
   fee for organizations using the newIANA-services, probably
   based on size of local rgister. Example: NORID should pay to 
   newIANA a small yearly fee per subdomain under .no . I stress 
   that this should be a SMALL fee (a few cents) based on estimates 
   for the global address situation. 

   Yes, I agree that this might be a problem for countries with
   unfunded registries, therefore one could open up for sponsors,
   like Governments (US?) or others, or perhaps we could find a 
   scheeme where everybody is happy, and some pay and some do not 
   pay... The essence here is that the money funding newIANA should
   come from the users of the newIANA-services in principle.
That is all. Good luck and keep up the good work.

Best regards,         
Alf Hansen                   Address:         UNINETT A/S
                                              N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
                             Visiting address Tempeveien 22, 4. etg.
Sentralbord: +47 73 55 79 00 E-mail:          Alf.Hansen@uninett.no

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