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Re: Tired of Waiting

At 09:17 PM 7/14/98 -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
>"Richard J. Sexton" writes:
>> Yeah, thanks anyway Bob, but I'd prefer not to pay 3 - 10 times as much for
>> a domain registraton fvia this ITU sponsored "protection".
>You know, you keep claiming that CORE registrars are going to charge
>vast amounts, but I don't see any evidence of that. I suppose this is
>one of those "chant something often enough and people will eventually
>believe it" sort of deals.

Perry, poeple have been charging for "pre-registrations". I really don't
care if you believe me or not. Enough poeple have seen the fees, and
paid them that what you can remember is not relevant.

>In any case, ANY organization upset at how much CORE registrars were
>charging will, under our system, be free to simply join CORE and
>charge less. Presumably they would get customers, assuming their
>service was acceptable. The free market in action, you know.

Right, just pay $10,000, and have $500,000 US in the bank... Perry,
we've danced this tune before. The band has stopped playing, IAHC
is dead issue. Get over it.

The most important thing in the programming language is the name.  A
language will not succeed without a good name.  I have recently invented
a very good name and now I am looking for a suitable language.
     -- D. E. Knuth, 1967

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