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Re: [ifwp] Re: Responses to IANA-NSI Proposal

Karl and all,

Karl Auerbach wrote:

> > Karl, can you suggest who actually gets to decide, and how such an
> > "agreement" can be fairly measured and decided?
> Well, in the most narrow sense, the White Paper comes down to a simple
> agreement between "an entity" and the United States.  As such, assuming
> that the entity is willing, it is up to the United States (via its
> governmental processes) to decide which, if any, entity to enter into an
> agreement with.

 Karl makes a very good and valid point here that possibly has been overlooked
or missed.  As such, as Karl has very well simplified or qualified here it is
important that this point not be overlooked in the grander scope of things here.

> But if the United States wants to be fair and even handed about things
> then it should seek some measure of the sense of Internet community.

  Yes, indeed it should.  And the IFWP has provided much of that sense.

> I would submit that only the IFWP meetings have had the outreach, the
> openness, the international participation, and the focused discussion to
> obtain a valid measure of that sense of the Internet community.

To a great deal of degree we tend to agree with this.  It would have been
betterhowever if the IFWP would have provided and could still provide a voting
by which this sense could be quantified to some degree.

> As such, the NSI/IANA document should be construed merely as a proposal to
> the United States and to the Internet community.

  Agreed, and any and all comments or alternatives as to the language or
structureof that "Proposal" should be taken into account to a great degree as
well.  It is
becoming obvious that the latest ICANN proposal does not have broad support.
However it is not yet fully determined well enough to determine what support it
amongst the international Internet community.

> The authors of that proposal are clearly not the ones who will make the
> choice.

  Yes, let's hope that this is indeed the case.

> Yet, by simple acquiesence to claims that the authors are also the
> decisionmakers, one is creating a false impression in the mind of the
> ultimate decisionmaker -- the United States -- that the Internet community
> have acquiesed to the content.

  Yes, it is our opinion that this is the intent of the ICANN to assume that
this is indeedthe case, which should be obvious by this time that the
International nor the US Internet
Community has acquiesced to that content.  Indeed we certainly do not.

>                 --karl--
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Jeffrey A. Williams
DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com

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