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Re: [alac] Why there are chronic delays on mail to the ICANN ALAC list

  • To: John L <johnl@xxxxxxxx>, ALAC <alac@xxxxxxxxx>, <alac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [alac] Why there are chronic delays on mail to the ICANN ALAC list
  • From: Bret Fausett <bfausett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:54:20 -0700

We talked about this on the General Assembly list of the GNSO a few years
ago when the list was in danger of becoming a chat channel. The real time
back and forth between a handful of participants was overloading the list
with noise. I was an advocate of the "delay to post" solution because it
discouraged the real-time garbage. That was for an open, anyone-can-join
list though, where I still think delay is a feature not a bug. On this list,
however, the delay doesn't serve any purpose. We should ask Kent to turn it


On 10/17/06 9:03 AM, "John L" <johnl@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Kent introduced them deliberately, because he thinks they're good for us.

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