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  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso]
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2010 12:01:07 -0500

Dear BC members
Attached is an update regarding the upcoming ICANN meeting in Nairobi. 

Several BC members are arriving on Friday night and earlier, and will be on 
ground in Nairobi, at a few different hotels. You can keep in touch with me by 
email and I'll ensure that everyone gets any communications from you.
Sunday night's dinner, if you are coming to Nairobi, is organized and sponsored 
by one of our own members, so if you haven't rsvp'd, please do so immediately. 
It is a separate event that involves the Kenyan business community. 
Monday has the opening ceremony and speech by the President, which you should 
plan to attend, to hear more about Rod Beckstrom's focus. The EIO session on 
Monday will have Zahid Jamil as a panelist, along with others, and the BC's 
position will be reflected from the floor, as well as by Zahid.  A Session on 
Affirmation of Commitment Reviews is scheduled next, followed by a session on 
Trademark Protection in new gTLDS, where Zahid Jamil will be a panelist.  
Monday at 6 p.m., we will have our first 'huddle' which now will include the 
IPC and ISPCP, and be led by Ron Andruff, BC member. The location for our 
'huddles' for Monday and Tuesday night will be announced after arrival in 
The bridge for the 'huddles' will be reforwarded Monday a.m. Nairobi time. 
Tuesday's schedule is described in the attachment. 
During Tuesday's meeting of the BC, we will be allocating members to attend 
different sessions Wednesday and Thursday so taht we have a presence in all 
relevant sessions. If you are participating remotely, we will ask you to also 
identify which session you are participating in so that we have a broad 
distribution of BC members in relevant sessions. 
Thursday, at 8:00 a.m. the onsite Business Constituency members will 'huddle' 
before the public forum, to discuss the agenda items before the Board in the 
public forum.  Individual BC members will be speaking on their individual views 
on various topics that will be on the Public Forum agenda.   I hope that many 
of you who are remote participants can join the public forum and express your 
perspectives.  The time slot is not particularly friendly, but your input is 
The Kenyan ICANN meeting is unique in many ways. We will all miss you if you 
are not able to come in person, but look forward to hearing from you, and 
keeping in contact during the meeting regarding your views.  
My next communication is likely to be from Kenya, but I'll be on line for a few 
hours yet, so do send along any questions that you have, or additional 
information or enhancements. 
The materials attached describe our confirmed speakers/and invited speakers, 
but is subject to change, depending on changes in confirmation. 
Marilyn CadeChair, BC 

Attachment: CSG and BC Agenda - ICANN Nairobi.docx
Description: Microsoft Office

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