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Extend the contract for a much longer period of time

  • To: "comments-com-amendment-30jun16@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-com-amendment-30jun16@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Extend the contract for a much longer period of time
  • From: Jamie Wales <wales.jamie@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2016 13:34:55 +0000 (UTC)

Please extend the contract for a much longer period of time. Otherwise con men, 
like the person running domaining.com work the stupid up into a frenzy posting 
lies about what is in the contract. Which is why you are getting a bunch of 
dummies here going crazing thinking the price will double. None of these 
dummies read the contract. 

I agree with the statement that these lies start from people in jealous 
companies that want to take over and PRETEND they would LOVE TO DECREASE the 
price. When they know their incompetent companies would voluntarily decrease 
.com price. 

Don't play with people's livelihood. Extend the contract for a much longer 
period of time and keep .com in capable hands. 

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